Thank you for praying for all of us! I am very thankful and feel very loved to hear so many comments from friends and family! Our team is very much appreciative!
Love you Spud...Happy Birthday to Amanda if you are reading this!
Last night was the first night of proclaiming the gospel in dramatic form (here)and Len did wicked with his guitar playing and Channa with her vocals!
We did balloon animals and attracted quite a crowd! There even were a few conversations..however, the language barrier is an issue..but the Lord can use us in whatever way he GO LORD GO!!
Today, we went door to door handing out literature and that went very well..the fruits of the labour will be seen one day!
The heat could have wrecked us, however we made it..through the Lord's grace! This is the best weight loss program ever ;-)
I love and miss my family and am thankful always for your prayers and love!
Everyone else out there checking out these posts...THANK YOU!!! It is awesome to hear that our blog is being read by people all over..SPREAD THE WORD!!!
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