Wednesday, August 25, 2004


First of all, sorry for te lack of updates this week. We left our Internet haven in favour of smaller towns. But it was a worthy sacrifice. These past few days have been our most succesful yet. On our way to Agios Anna, we stopped in every small town we could to lighten our load of literature. The results were incredible.

This one town's orthodox church had a decaying body in the middle, which was apparently some man who they worship as a saint and whose body is indestructable. It honestly FELT like satan's stronghold. We were met with some harsh opposition in that town ( Police were called ) We actually got the argument on video which i hope you will all one day see. But the amount of literature that we've passed out during the last 48 hours is breathtaking, just like the views of the sea from the mountains we drive through.

We met one lady, who we will vist again later tonight ,who was absoleutly DESPERATE for the Lord. It was the one point that my translation felt the strongest it had ever been. Mel told me about the prayers from her Mom's church. Thank you so much.

Pray for tonight that we'll be able to reach this woman for good. Now off to distribute some more literature.

Paul Roides

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