Friday, September 10, 2004

Reaching out

Just wanted to encourage everyone with an experience I had today. I was cleaning up at the chapel and sorting some tracts when I decided to bite the bullet and actually give some out.

Since Mel Gibson's Movie "The Passion of the Christ" just came out on DVD, I grabbed a few "webcards":

(available at and headed to the local highschool, Sir John A MacDonald. It was quite terrifying because I didn't know when school ended, so I showed up a full 45 minutes early. Looked like quite a dork just standing there with a hand full of propoganda. As I waited though, I prayed to God, that he would give me conversations and that he would bring the right people my way. Key. It never ceases to amaze me that I am surprised when God answers my prayers. :) And He did, again.

Pray for some great conversations God gave to me:
- James, a chinese student and his group of 5 friends that stood and listened for at least 10 minutes
- 2 Sri Lankan girls who had an interesting Hindu/Christian background
- A muslim guy and his girlfriend who had the "i'm getting this" look
- Many other chinese students who said they had seen the movie
- Different people that I had met before and was able to reconnect with

Just wanted to encourage the team, as well as anyone else reading this, that it takes just as much faith to stand in front of your school and hand out tracts as it does to get on a plane and fly half-way around the world. Perhaps a bit more. I pray that God would give all of us the extra grace and encouragement to reach out to those around us.

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