Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Day 1 - Rome - The ongoing Saga of Italy sucking

Day 1 - Pics: CLICK HERE
Day 1 - Report: CLICK HERE
Day 1 - summary - below:

Well well well, another trip another stop in Italy. For those of you who don't recall the last 38 hour travelling episode through Italy, please refer to the archives. As for me and my house....we would rather steer clear of this mow-lett infested land (yes the guy who took my plane tickets on Al Italia had a beckham mow-let). However, the Lord seems to keep bringing me back to this place! This time for a 72 hour fiasco!! We started in Toronto at 5PM. Flew overnight to Milan (1 night sleep gone). Then we flew to Rome. Arrived at around 12 noon. Had a tour of Rome all day (oh joy, I've only been there twice already - but seriously I did enjoy a professional tour guide). Then get back on a plane at 11PM and fly to Tel Aviv (- 2 nights sleep). Now this was the first time I had ever flown Al Italia, and hopefully the last.

First, the headphones they provided were hilarious - reminiscent of the tin-can-to-the-ear. They were just a tube! That's it. The end attached to the arm of the chair and the music bounced it's way up to your ears.

Next we arrive in Tel Aviv at 4AM, then Mike Klomps luggage goes missing and by the time we drive the 45 minutes to Jerusalem it's 5AM (the sun is coming up as I'm typing this at 5:30AM). Ah the joy...more soon.

Pick of the day for Day 1:

This is an inscription of the Romans taking the Menorah from Israel when they conquered Jerusalem in 70AD, in fullfillment of Jesus's prophecy.

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