Monday, April 01, 2019

Introducing : Face Tattoos for Christ

As many of you know Hayley and I got our wedding rings tattooed on when we got married.
This was a way to show that our commitment to each other would last forever.
Thinking about my relationship with Jesus recently I was convicted that I wasn't showing the Lord the same level of commitment. So I decided to get a face tattoo. I know i know it's a bit extreme, but talking it over with Hayley we decided it was the right thing to do. Now hear me out.

I got the tattoo this weekend and a few close friends and I saw the impact the tattoo had as i ordered McDonalds, walked through the mall and rode the TTC. So many people asked me about it and we realized it wasn't just a way for me to show my commitment to Jesus, it was also an amazing way to reach out!
The next generation is tattooing their faces at an alarming rate. Everyone from Justin Bieber to Post Malone has a tattoo on their face. We realized having tattoos of Jesus on our faces was the perfect way to reach the next generation!!

So with a little help and prayer a new ministry was born:

Face Tattoos For Christ!

FTFC seeks to reach the next generation where they are in a way they understand
As the Bible says: we should become "all things to all people that we might reach some"
If Paul were here today perhaps he would say: "to the thug i became a thug", "to the mumble rapper i became a mumble rapper", "to the instagram model i became an instagram model"

Get involved in this exciting ministry:

DONATEIf we can raise $10,000 another pastor in our network will get a face tattoo! 

TAT YOUR FACE: Send us a pic of your face tattoo for Jesus

GUEST SPEAKER: Invite a guest speaker to your church to share about Face Tattoos for Christ

More info about this exciting ministry on our facebook page:

Since we are a new charity we will only be accepting donations until 12 noon on April 1st.
Happy APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!

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