I'll try to get a clearer image of Grandpas sweet hat soon.

The athensBLOG
Started :: Athens Olympics 2004.
Current :: updates from Shawn and Hayley Cuthill in Toronto.
God is a crutch for the weak. You are just looking for something to believe in because it gives you comfort and purpose in life. If there is a god, he's one lazy guy. If you were all powerful, would you allow all the hate and violence that occurs to go on? Wake up buddy and start living your life and stop wasting your time believing in fairy tales.Hopefully Black Domina and Gravity boy will continue the discussion on the Forum. Great to see some differing opinions.
"I always read the discussion forum! But, as the only computer I have is at work, I'm a little hesitant to start posting. As soon as I invest in an actual computer I'll definitely jump in on the conversations. I appreciate that everyone's really fair despite the differing opinions."Congratulations to all of you who participate and have made this site great!
- Mary crawl-66-249-71-67.googlebot.comWhat is this? I tried googlebot.com, but it just takes me back to google.ca! Does Google like me or am I in trouble? What is the googlebot!?
Okay... I sat down on my laptop and started something. Please reply with comment, rewording, addition, deletion, etc. Perhaps this is junk, needs a lot of work...Not sure I agree with everything he says, but it's worth a read and it's good for future leaders to think through some of these things. I think Andrew is addressing the "open" assemblies (Chapels & Halls) only and not talking about the "exclusives".
Outline for a Brethren Manifesto 1st Draft - April 2005
* Purpose
We have traditionally had two movements, the Open, consisting of the Chapels, and the Closed. What we need is our own reformation; a re-birth, a renewal, an awakening, or as someone has said, a Third Way. Not an emotionally driven alteration as many liberals would advocate, nor an unemotional rejection of change for the misdirected sake of maintaining the status-quo as many conservatives would support... but a true and sincere changing of the hearts of all. What we need is a true and earnest desire to seek the face of God, to conform to the image of His Son, and to do one of two things; for those who lean toward conservatism, who view change as bad, to implement a heart transplant from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh; or for those who advocate more liberal views, to tame the wild ambitions of the flesh and to seek a whole-hearted submission to Him and His Word, no matter what that might cost. Only by so doing with the brethren movement, which we feel was initiated by the Holy Spirit so many years ago in an effort to preserve the Church, survive....
Pope John Paul raised to heavenPictures at CBC,CNN,Reuters,and the BBC
Last Updated Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:23:46 EST
CBC News
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II rose into the clouds above the Vatican in a miraculous turn of events. After suffering heart failure, during treatment for a urinary tract infection, Vatican officials say that the Pope was raised to heaven in a manner similar to Jesus before him. Stunned onlookers took pictures and videos and sang hymns as the Pontiff rose into the clouds.