My good man Matt Wilks recently commented on
my previous article on John Wesley. Click here to read that article:
Matt says:
As I was reading a few entries I saw the one on Wesley's Bands and was mighty intrigued. The discussion on the comments was interesting too as some parts seemed to hint at the seemingly popular idea that the grace of God is some loosey-goosey license to remain undisciplined in our walk with Him.
Have you taken any further steps in the direction that Wesley encouraged, or had any other thoughts on the matter?
Actually I have thought alot about it, but have difficulty with how the concept fits with North American church-on-Sunday mentality.
What I could see is the implementation of some of the steps and bands,especially the first group called the "trial band" (except for the stuff where people get kicked out for any little thing, I don't know how that would work, but will consider it, maybe in the future). Also, one has to consider lawsuits these days for every little thing, so therefore the "rules" could take on the form of more of a "waiver" which memebers would sign. For example:
I _______________ understand that at each meeting i will be asked..
Has no sin, inward or outward, dominion over you? Do you desire to be told your faults? Do you desire to be told of all your faults, and that plain and home?...
Signed: __________________ Date: ___________________________
I've also thought along the lines of a "discipleship contract" that someone would enter into with the person leading the study. This would bring a more serious tone to discipleship, but might make it a little more robotic. I have a sample drawn up if anyone wants to see it.
So my question is, how would that fly? Have small group studies with the same rules wesley used, but get people to sign an agreement? What about a discipleship contract? What other steps could we use to start moving toward personal accountability, holiness and discipleship? How could we implement these important relational questions into north american church life? would people be offended if they arrived at church on sunday morning and they were asked:
1. What known sins have you committed since our last meeting?
2. What temptations have you met with?
3. How were you delivered?
4. What have you thought, said, or done, of which you doubt whether it be sin or not?
How would you feel?
03Nov04-Log-Wed: 10AM-12:30 - prayer with elders (Des), 2:30-4:30 - tracts at Timothy Eaton, great talk with Jamie, Chris, Matt. 5-11 - dinner with Hayley's cousin in Brampton.
04Nov04-Log-Thurs: 10AM-4:40PM - maps for e-benji-lism , contact pakistani couple, planning for friday (food, people, games, songs, speaking), powerpoint for greece presentation at missionary breakfast, 7:30-10:30PM - home study with maggie & derek, michelle, josh, steve
05Nov04-Log-Fri:12-2:30 - @chapel, plan for youth, calls, set up. 2:30-4 - 50 tracts at MAC highschool. 4-6 set up with ferne, kelly, josh, ted. 6:30-11 youth with Greenwood (eat, play, sing, talk, video) 41 @youth - 6 new