**UPDATE**Scott will be standing before the judge at 10am EST, Thursday, March 16th. Please pray that Scott will be vindicated, also that the Lord will soften the heart of the judge and open his eyes to see the truth.

Our son Scotts exercise was to work with street kids in Brazil for six months, paid by his own savings. He was in touch with a Christian group in Belo Horizonte and decided the Lord would have him work with them.Please pray for him, that he would be freed and be able to continue reaching out! Stay tuned to see how God works this out for good! Please leave a comment below to let Scott know you're praying for him!
He met two young men ( 29 years old) who were twin brothers, Brazilians who had been "adopted"from about the age of 9 by American Missionaries who had been living and working in that area since 1974.
Since the parents were going home on furlough for a year (to Grand Rapids, Michigan) and their sons and Scott both were looking for a place to live, THEY suggested that they move in together and share expenses.
Scott was having two sessions per day - morning and afternoon- working with street kids, playing/supervising soccer games and then having a time of spiritual focus. He was sharing with up to 50 kids per day. His plan was to start teaching English classes on Tuesday evenings ( was supposed to start last night) to adults using the bible as a text book.
While living in the apartment with Scott, they all had separate rooms. Unknown to Scott these fellows were living double lives. The two spent most of their time together, going out at night.
The police came to the door with a search warrant, looking for the twin brothers by name. They had been up early, before Scott got up, and left. Police were surprised at Scott’s courteous invitation to come. Scott was shocked when the police found a gun in one of the young men’s rooms, in a plastic bag in a bureau. The guys must have been tipped off that something was going to happen, hence the leaving very early in the morning.
Scott, being alone in the apartment was arrested and taken to prison.
We were informed by Foreign Affairs in Ottawa about this sad happening.
Scott is in prison in Belo Horizonte. He was shattered with the whole affair and broken. He is in a private cell.
Marilyn’s sister Kathryn got the name of a good criminal lawyer from a friend who works with a politician. Kathryn, her daughter and Marilyn’s brother Joe McClelland were in to see Scott this morning.
We believe that God will shortly vindicate Scott and he will be released very soon.
Please pray for Scott. It has been hard on him and on all of us. Pray too for the parents of these adopted twins. It is very hard on them as well.
Now unto HIM who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Ephesians 3:20
D&M Grieve
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