I've received many emails from panicked Christians saying we have to save this prayer at all costs or else our country is doomed. Others state:
In my opinion, the proposal for removing the Lord's Prayer (repetition issue aside for a moment) from the formal proceedings of the Ontario Legislative Assembly is just one more attempt to entirely remove God from our lives as Canadians...As Christians, I would really hope that we believe in the value of having God's name mentioned (one of the last places where it is) in the Legislative Assembly.I disagree.
Instead I would agree with Josh Duffy who stated:
I think the govt should launch a massive national persecution campaign against Christianity. Then maybe the Church would be driven underground and the real fruit would begin!! They could start with a simple thing like banning the Bible!!!What do you think of prayer in government? Should church and state ever be together? Should we gasp, or cheer, when our government starts removing God from government? Post your comments below or on the forum - here
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