Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wednesday Prayer requests - the unreached

Take a minute today and pray for those people who rarely get our prayer, or missions dollars - the most unreached. Here are some stats I got in an email:
According to, Christians give about 1.7% ($213B) of their income to Christian causes (like their church).
Of that 1.7%, only 5.4% ($11.4B) is given to foreign missions. (Amazing: the *entire* annual global missions budget funding 250,000 missionaries is just 1/4 of Bill Gates' fortune!)
Of that 5.4%, 87% goes to missions among Christians, 12% goes for work among already evangelized non-Christians, and only 1% goes for work among the unreached or unevangelized people of the world.
That means that just 5.4% of 1.7% (0.0918%) of Christians' money goes to missions, and that just 1% of *that* (0.000918%) goes to missions among the unreached

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