1. We've been praying about a van. About 2 weeks ago we found out that our friends the Jeysmans were selling their van. We asked about it, but didn't expect the van to be in our price range. Commended workers don't exactly have thousands of dollars sitting around, but we kept in touch with them as they decided what new car they were going to get, and what they were selling their van for. It's a 2000 Dodge Caravan, serviced by the dealer since it was purchased brand new. Quite the ride. We prayed and waited to see what would happen.
2. Friday, April 15th we went to pick up our taxes and found out we were getting a certain amount of money back.
3. That same night we were at Jason & Joy's Jack'n'Jill in Brampton and our car dies. Transmission fluid everywhere. We limp it home by stopping on the 401 for fill ups of transmission fluid, when the car slips out of gear. Transmission problems = our car is toast.
4. Monday, April 18th, Jeysmans take the Caravan in to find out how much they could get for a trade in for their new car.
5. The ammount the dealership was offering them (half the retail blue book value) was exactly the same amount as we are getting back from our taxes!! They decide to sell it to us instead of trade it in, so ....
6. Today, picked up the van:
7. A wonderful young police officer was miraculously on hand to install our car seats into the van, licence plates and personally vacuuming out the whole thing. Wow, what a guy :)
More details soon!!!
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