Thursday, March 10, 2005 sweepstakes #2 - the 2000th post contest!!!!

Alright athensblog readers! During the last sweepstakes, you watched in anticipation to see who would be the first to crack the code and win the free MP3. You watched as Stevey Bourgeois walked off with the lute and claimed the title of first ever sweepstakes champion! Here's Stevey B jamming to his new download:

Still feeling bitterness and resentment over missing your chance! Don't risk another bout of depression, get on the forum right now and be the one to log the 2000th post! God has blessed our little brethren discussion forum and in just over a month we have registered 53 people and logged almost 2000 posts.

The person that registers the 2000th post will win their very own "room" on the forum. Call it the "basketball room", the "Toronto room", or just be selfish and name it after yourself! Whatever you name it, you better claim it first ;). Click - HERE - for more details.

Don't be left behind, time is running out!

*UPDATE - we have a winner - Blake Kennedy posted #2000 and has created the "Blake Kennedy house of sermon reviews" on the forum*

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