Since Januray of this year it's been amazing to see our little website grow! Over 30,000 visitors! Over 10,000 posts! Members have signed up on the forum from at least 15 countries, and every province in Canada (sorry no territories yet)
However, we are about to register out 200th member on the forum!! As of Friday, October 14th we sit at 198 members. To commemorate the registration of our 200th member we're going to celebrate the way we always do on the athensBlog, we're going to have a contest!
Calling all lurkers - this is your chance! If you've been reading this site for some time now, browsing here and there, but never really "getting into it", register today and win! What will you win you'll get to be the 200th member, isn't that enough?
If you're greedy, and if Matt Wilks can pull it off, we'll put your picture on the top of the forum (where my lovely family is now situated) for a month. Sound good? Well don't just sit there - click here to go to the discussion forum- and get registering!
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